
Autocad Draw Circle In Xz Plane

My background drafting is structural bridge drawings. I had Inventor LT installed the other day and I have been playing with it to refamiliarize myself with it and get used to the differences between it and AutoCAD for drawing. I found a pdf book of examples that I had been going through in AutoCAD and decided to carry on in Inventor LT. I am stuck on the following example:

Example 77

I started by drawing the cross section of the rim and central hub as sketch1. I then revolved them around the central axis. I also realize I could have made a circle and extruded the central hub as another approach.


For sketch2 I drew up a view looking along the axis of the wheel.


I had three stumbling blocks in completing this.

  1. The first stumbling block was the position of the R10 rib around the outside center of the center hub. The only way I have been able to position this so far would be to make it to the R13 fillet/arc between the spokes at the central hub. If this assumption is correct how do I make a plane at this point to draw the R10 circular rib?

  2. The second stumbling block I have is drawing the spokes in 3D. My intent here was to draw an ellipse 22X9.5 and 24X11 at the point where the R6 and R13 curves/fillets start/end and then lofting from one to the other. Similar to my first stumbling block, how do I create sketch planes at these specific spots?

  3. My third stumbling block is how to extrude/join the spoke from the ellipse to the hub or rim while respecting the R6 and R13 curves/fillets?

This is where I am currently at with the overall drawing:

3D Model

Software Version: Autodesk Inventor LT 2021


I figured out how to place a working plane through the R13 curve and the center of the wheel. I was then able to project the geometry of the apex of the R10 rib around the central hub. I drew a portion of a circle and on the sketch plane, and then revolved it around the central access.

Using this new ability for me to place sketch planes I then proceeded to produce a sketch plane at the start and end of the spoke where it is 22 nd 24 on the major axis and 9.5 and 11 on the minor axis.

I tried extruding with rails but that just generated errors. I also tried extruding the end of the spoke to the next object but that also gave errors. If it is actually possible to extrude the face of an existing solid, will it extrude based on its existing tapper or will it just extrude straight?

Current State:

Floating spokes

enter image description here

Autocad Draw Circle In Xz Plane


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